2019-20 – Your Best Year Yet!
So how did 2018-2019 pan out for you? Did you meet your business and personal goals? Was it an awesome year? Now is the time for review and to plan your next move forward.
As we approach the end of this financial year, you will probably now have a fair idea of whether you are going to achieve all that you set out to at the start of it or not, so how did you go? Hopefully you will meet or exceed your objectives, but for some it has been a tough year and will fall short of expectations. Worse still, many businesses will be moving towards the end of the financial year without actually knowing where they sit.
In our experience those that define, measure, manage and predict their business performance are far more likely to achieve their objectives than those that don’t.
So, why do so many businesses still leave this to chance? Here are some possible reasons for this:
If you are not specific about what you intend to achieve, there is no accountability or
Perhaps it is “obvious” and everyone knows what the business needs to do (actually rarely the case) or
Maybe there is no simple system or framework in place to enable targets to be clearly derived, set, agreed and measured or
Just too busy working in the business to find time for this.
In practice, defining and aligning turns out to be an extremely valuable activity as it not only gets everyone singing off the same hymn sheet (and hence contributes to team-building in the process), it really does improve business performance.
Perhaps a further unexpected benefit is that as business strategy and planning are defined, this actually saves time due to greater clarity about what’s important to the company and less confusion over roles and responsibilities. Deploying simple tools that enable clear understanding of business performance enable better decision-making and results as evidenced by the following comments:
“With OrgMent’s experience and help we have been able to make huge improvements in our time management, responsibility, scheduling, productivity and our bottom line but the most important result is there is less stress in all of our roles because we do what is needed to be done and we have far better time management"
David Murphy, Managing Director TRJ Engineering P/L
"Fast forward two years with coaching from OrgMent. We not only understand our business figures but feel completely in control of them and where they're headed. Our sales have doubled and our profits are healthy and more reflective of our hard work”
Leah Tomek, Director Lakeside Psychology
"I would absolutely recommend OrgMent if you are looking to improve your business.”
Frank Taranto, Managing Director, JBE Australia Pty Ltd
So, with the new financial year rapidly approaching, call now to book a complimentary meeting to discuss your business needs and to find out more about how we can partner with you to make this coming financial year one of your best ever.